Your SEO Service, Ethical SEO, and Competitor Monitoring

When a company undertakes a search engine optimization program, whether it is performed in-house or outsourced to an SEO service, most of the attention (and rightly so) is focused on the company website. This is the one aspect where there is a feeling of control–once a website is released into the wild, the company will have to see how its site fares against all the other websites out there, whether the other sites are using ethical SEO tactics or not. Best seo packages Sydney includes also website audit and google analytics management.

Apart from changes made to the company website, the assumption is often that the company and, if it is using one, its SEO service, has zero control over what appears in search engine results. However, this is not usually the case. Often, you or your SEO service can have a direct effect on search engine results by monitoring your competitors and reporting them to the major search engines when the SEO techniques used on their site fall outside what is popularly referred to as ethical SEO. (Please note that while I believe that the word “ethical” is tossed around too often, “ethical SEO” has become the standard phrase to describe white hat techniques, and so it is the phrase I use throughout the article.)

Primary Competitors

To start with, let’s define competitors. Almost every company has at least a handful of other companies that it considers to be primary competitors–the ones that sell the same products and services, that are of similar size, and so on. It is important that the SEO efforts (or lack thereof) of these competitors, whether they are using ethical SEO techniques or not, be monitored on a routine basis. If they have not hired an SEO service of their own, or if they have not started doing SEO in-house at all, you will have peace of mind knowing that the use of this channel, for the moment, is yours. If your competitors begin an SEO campaign, with or without an outside SEO service, you can learn much about their sales and marketing tactics by evaluating the keyphrases that they target. And you can also investigate whether they are using ethical SEO practices in their campaign.

Your Online Competitors

It’s important to keep in mind that it is unlikely that searchers are going to decide only between you and the primary competitors you have listed. They are going to consider any company that matches their particular needs and that shows up for their search term. This is why your criteria for a competitor online should broaden to encompass any company that offers products or services like yours that outranks you for any of your targeted keyphrases. If your in-house staff or your SEO service not only continually monitors your search engine positions but also analyzes the companies that appear above you in search results, you can often identify forward-looking competitors of which you were previously unaware–your primary competitors of tomorrow.


This brings us to the key issue of ethical SEO. Search engine optimization is still a very new concept to most companies. Even the most respected companies can make mistakes in this arena, either by choosing the wrong SEO service, or by trying to avoid hiring an SEO service altogether by bringing it in house with well-intentioned but unqualified people. For example, BMW’s German site was recently removed temporarily from the Google index for using doorway pages–something that is not considered an ethical SEO practice. It stands to reason that your competitors are also not immune to violations.

Bad Firms

There are very notable examples of otherwise smart and established companies hiring an SEO service that put them in a worse situation than before they pursued SEO–by getting their site removed from major search engines for violating the engine’s terms of service, for example. Not long ago, there was a well-publicized example where most of the clients of a Las Vegas SEO service were penalized. Almost all of the clients claimed that they were not informed that the firm was not practicing ethical SEO and that they were therefore at risk.

SEO firms are generally divided into two camps–those called “White Hats” (those that use ethical SEO practices and will never knowingly violate a search engine’s terms of service) and those called “Black Hats” (those that do not use ethical SEO practices and that will attempt to unravel the latest algorithms and exploit any loopholes to achieve rankings at any cost). Neither approach is invalid–it is not against the law to violate the terms of service of a search engine. Moreover, black hat techniques can be quite effective. However, the tactics are risky, and anyone hiring an SEO service that wears a black hat and does not use ethical SEO practices should definitely be apprised of this risk up front.

Internal Resources

Firms are often tempted to avoid hiring an SEO service by performing SEO in-house, and the project almost always falls onto an already overburdened IT department. The problem with approaching SEO from a strictly technical mindset is that the strategies employed, such as the keyphrases targeted, will not necessarily be in line with the goals of the marketing and sales departments. In addition, an IT resource will usually approach SEO from a purely technical standpoint, without being aware of ethical SEO practices, and this can lead to trouble. Penalization is a very real possibility, and it is hard to get back onto an index once your site has been removed.


A thorough SEO service will monitor not only the handful of competitors that you deem crucial but also the sites that appear higher than you for any of your chosen search phrases. This may be somewhat controversial, especially to any SEO service or webmaster that uses tactics forbidden by the search engines’ terms of service. However, many white hat SEO service firms consider it an obligation to their clients to routinely monitor the sites of any competitor found on the engines to be sure it is using ethical SEO techniques.

There is a reason that every major search engine has a form to report sites who do not use ethical SEO tactics and who violate the terms of service so that these sites can be subsequently penalized or removed. Spam filters cannot catch all violations without also removing a large number of good sites. Search engines rely on their users to help them to keep their indexes clean and free of sites not using ethical SEO tactics. There are many techniques to spam an engine–far too many to list. However, a good SEO service not only knows what all of these techniques are but knows how to identify them when it sees them so they can be reported to the engine accurately.

The End Result

Business is business, and your interests often run directly counter to that of your competitors. When you report a website that is not using ethical SEO, it is very likely that it will be removed. This means there is one less company that you need to worry about in the online arena, at least for the time being. If the site in question outranked yours, you also get the added benefit of seeing your rankings improve as the violating pages are removed–provided, of course, that you are using ethical SEO techniques and steering clear of violations yourself, or you may be reported by a competitor of yours or its SEO service! Here’s one of my tip to get an SEO package.

The engine also benefits from users reporting violations. Engines do not like people trying to trick their indexes, since there might then be pages showing up for particular search terms that are not actually relevant to those terms. Clearly, search engines understand this benefit–if the engines thought they could weed out all the spam themselves, they would not provide a reporting system. Supporting such a system, after all, is not free. Real people employed by the engine have to visit the offending pages to confirm that they are not using ethical SEO tactics.

In the notable example cited earlier of the firm that got most of its clients penalized, the owner of the SEO service in question was quoted as saying, “Google can kiss my ass. This is the Wild Wild West.” He may be right–maybe it is the Wild Wild West. But there are a whole bunch of new sheriffs in town–and they are wearing white hats. Find out on how to increase the score of your page speed.

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How Good SEO Improves The Conversion Rate of Business

Every internet business needs a web presence that attracts visitors. Your SEO consultants Sydney can easily help you ensure your website is SEO compliant.

Some of the ways, having good SEO improves your business conversion rates are:

  • Mobile Friendliness

Making a mobile SEO audit of your website a vital to ensure your branding comes across as user friendly and as encourages visitors to take action.

Ensure you:

  1. Touch screen ready and responsive
  2. Have a super-fast loading speed. Loading time of more than three seconds can result in a loss of over half you visitors instantly with the majority never wanting to return
  3. Your content is legible with simple common words and plain language
  4. Your site and content is mobile compatible
  5. You’re providing a great experience for your visitors
  • Good Site Navigation

A link is a virtual gateway if you have slow links it’s like takes too long and if broken, it’s the same as locking your visitors out.

Search engines don’t like broken links and will penalize. It’s vital you keep a close watch on all your links and get rid of low-quality links. If your visitors can not get through they can’t convert and become customers.

Doing regular SEO Audits quickly finds any broken links or Custom Error Pages (404 errors), these really annoy most web users, it shows an unprofessional site and causes visitors to navigate away to other sites.

  • Website Security

It’s important that you show your visitors that your site is secure and you care about their security. Art of a complete SEO audit includes a SEO crawler search to find any instances of RL’s without HTTPS even if you already have an SSL certificate. Any images, videos or script without HTTPS will cause a large scary warning page in most people’s browsers and they will shy away from you. As this is also a search engine ranking requirement it’s likely to negatively affect your rankings

SEO Can Increase the Duration of Visits

The amount of time a visitor spends on your website is directly related to your overall conversion rates. Your local SEO Company on The Gold Coast can help you become better compliant with SEO requirements and particularly with visuals.

Using visuals is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of catching the visitor’s attention if done properly. You can get a lot of relevant information across in a few seconds of live or animated video and show visitors the value of staying on your site.

If you can keep a visitor for more than 30 seconds, you have a much greater chance of converting them to a high value customer.

A key area of SEO is having content that’s of high quality, high value, original and relevant to the keywords and theme of your site. People are either looking for a way to solve a particular problem or to be entertained and if you can do both you have a good chance of converting them into customers. Your SEO Company on The Gold Coast can assist you to create useful and informative information to encourage visitors to trust your site and company’s branding, which leads to an improving conversion rate for your business.

Why A Diet Will Not Help You Lose Belly Fat

Kx Pilates Dee Why is a great way to start if you want a strong, toned, and functional core. If you want to know how to lose belly fat fast, you must know how to set up your daily eating plan.

Some people mistakenly think that the less food you eat, the more belly fat they’ll lose.

But honestly, if you really want to know how to lose belly fat fast, that’s one of the worst things you can do for your metabolism.

Besides being too restrictive to stay on it long term, a starvation diet can slow down your metabolism so much that you can seriously damage your health. In fact, starving yourself is a surefire way to stop all your fat burning results from happening.

Your body relies on food for fuel. Your body needs food for blood sugar, which it uses for energy.

When you starve yourself, it starts to sense that you’re not going to be getting food soon, so your metabolism will slow down and your body will hold on to stored fat in order to conserve energy.

It does this as a defense mechanism in case of future energy needs. Any time your body senses starvation, it will bring all fat burning and calorie burning to a halt, to save energy for future needs.

Also, your lean muscle needs more energy to function. And the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn.

If you starve yourself, your body will feed on lean muscle tissue. And when you have less lean muscle tissue, your metabolism won’t be as fast and you won’t burn as many calories

Obviously, if you starve yourself for a long time, you’ll lose some weight but it will be mostly lean muscle mass.

It won’t be the belly fat you want to lose… so you’ll weigh less but you’ll still have that belly.

That’s why one of the worst things you can do to try and lose weight is to starve yourself. If you lose any weight, it will be muscle weight or water weight and as a result, you’ll start to look sickly.

If you want to know how to lose belly fat fast, you must set up your daily eating plan and nutrition so that you’re eating often enough to get your metabolism burning calories often. Do this one simple thing and you’ll start to lose belly fat in less time.

Besides, any weight you lose from starvation diets will come back. It’s just too hard to maintain a lifestyle in which you starve yourself or restrict your calories too much.

Any kind of starvation or super restriction of calories will slow down your metabolism. And it can take months… even years… for it to get back to normal.

As soon as you start eating normal, you’ll likely gain back all of the weight you lost, and even worse, you’ll probably keep eating because you felt deprived for so long. And because of that, you could gain even more weight than you had before you started your starvation diet.

That’s why trying to lose belly fat by starving yourself is truly one of the worst ways to do it.

When you go without proper nutrition, your body isn’t able to function properly and be as healthy as it is when you eat good, nutritious foods.

It’s like trying to run your car on the worst fuel possible. It won’t get very far.

Starving your body just to lose some belly fat can result in fatigue, kidney problems, heart failure, and other serious complications.

This is just a few of the health problems starvation diets can cause. It just doesn’t seem worth it, to lose a few pounds of belly fat.

What good is it, anyways, to lose some belly fat if you’re not healthy. Without a doubt, it’s not healthy if you’re going to try and starve yourself.

You’re not going to lose belly fat fast and you’ll actually cause more health problems in the process. Worst part is, some of the health problems that can arise from starvation diets can be irreversible.

In other words, the damage to your body is permanent and requires lifelong attention.

If you want to know how to lose belly fat fast, just start eating good, nutritious foods more often.

Stay away from sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Stick with organic lean proteins and meats and plenty of all natural fruits and veggies.

Don’t feel that you have to go on a starvation diet just because you want to lose some belly fat. A starvation diet can destroy your health and make belly fat loss even harder to achieve.

The healthiest way to lose belly fat fast is to eat good, healthy foods every 3 to 4 hours in the proper portion sizes.

That’s why you don’t want to overcomplicate things when you’re trying to lose belly fat. Losing belly fat in the long run is all about setting up your daily lifestyle so that it supports your efforts… not hurt them.

You need to think about losing belly fat, and keeping it off, as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. Lifestyle changes hopefully are permanent, where most diets are short term.

If you focus on healthy eating instead of dieting, you’ll know how to lose belly fat fast in the long run. Your success won’t be short lived like most diets.

Eating a healthy diet will keep your metabolism operating smoothy so you can burn belly fat more efficiently.

If your daily nutrition plan lacks the right balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fats, your body will not be able to function at it’s best.

Your diet needs to be nutritious with a proper amount nutrients for your body to handle all the functions and processes it must do each day.

By not eating well, it’s going to be tough to lose belly fat at any point, because your body won’t have the nutrients it needs to be able to function properly.

You’ll want to eat a lot of healthy, whole foods like vegetables, fruits, poultry, lean meats, nuts, legumes, beans, and eggs.

If you eat the right foods and stick to proper portion sizes, you can lose stomach fat.

Also, if you want to lose some belly fat, start to drink plenty of water. Water helps metabolize stored fat and rids the body of excess fat and toxins.

If you want to be at your healthiest, try to drink at least a gallon of water a day.

It will also keep you feeling fuller in between meals, so you’re less likely to want to eat.

When you start eating healthy, you’ll start to reduce your caloric intake and lose some belly fat.

To kick it up a notch and lose belly fat even faster, start to move your body more by doing exercise.

By adding exercise to the mix, you’ll speed up your metabolism even more. And when you do, you’ll start to lose belly fat at an even faster pace.

All you need in order to burn belly fat fast is 20 to 30 minutes of intense exercise, 3 to 4 days a week.

By doing intense cardio and eating properly, you’ll start to lose belly fat fast. If you haven’t exercised in a while, just start by going for a walk. Think small, baby steps and then just try to work your way up to a more intense pace.

You don’t want to try running 3 miles the very first day if you haven’t run in a while. You’ll either hurt yourself or feel so bad the next day, you won’t want to run again.

Don’t try to change your lifestyle overnight by doing too much, too fast.

Start by making small changes like drinking more water, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and going for a walk a few days a week.

Once you get used to it, you’ll start to feel better and you’ll want to do more of these things because you’ll be seeing results.

Small changes, if you do them often, can build up like a snowball and create huge changes in the future.