8 Easy SEO Fixes for a Small Business Website


For most small business owners, the world of SEO can seem like a foreign language. With our SEO packages you can compete with your competitors. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the jargon and technical terms that are associated with search engine optimization. You don’t need to be a coding expert or web design guru in order to ensure that your website is search engine optimized though! In fact, it’s probably easier than you think. All it takes are these 8 easy fixes:

1. Make Sure the Website Hosting is Good

  • Make Sure the Website Hosting is Good

The first thing you need to do is make sure your website host is good. Some of these hosting companies are not as good or even trash, so be careful when choosing one. You don’t want people to have a bad experience on your website and leave because of it!

2. Use SEO-Friendly URLs

  • Use hyphens instead of underscores.
  • Use keywords in the URL.
  • Avoid special characters like dashes and slashes, which can confuse search engines or be misinterpreted as part of the keyword string itself by some browsers.

3. Optimize Your Images

One of the easiest ways to make your website easier for search engines and users is to optimize your images. Search engines can’t see or read images, so they rely on metadata (the information inside the image file) and readable text in alt tags (the description that appears when an image is not visible).

To optimize your site’s images:

  • Make sure all of your images are optimized for search engines. This means keeping file sizes small, using descriptive filenames, and making sure that each image has an alt tag describing what it depicts. You should also try to keep the same filename for all photos with similar content. For example, if you have an ecommerce store selling shirts organized by color, you wouldn’t want one picture of a blue shirt named “shirt1” while another shirt in the same style has a name like “blue shirt.” Instead, name them according to their color (“blue_shirt”) so it’s clear which product each picture shows when someone searches for “blue shirt.”

4. Pick Meticulous Title Tags and Descriptions

The title tag and the description are two of the most important components of your website’s search engine optimization. If you have a good title tag and description, you can increase your ranking more than 50%.

The title tag is what appears in the search results for your business (or for a specific page on your site). It’s also used as an anchor text to link back to other pages on your website, so it needs to be descriptive but also concise enough that people will want to click through from it. The same goes for descriptions: they need to be clear and concise so that when someone sees them in the SERPs they don’t lose interest or click away before reading them.

It’s often recommended that you use keywords relating directly to what sets you apart from other similar businesses within their titles if possible – this will help signal relevance of content without being too obvious about it, which can be seen by Google as spammy behavior (in turn further lowering rankings). That said, don’t feel like every word must contain keywords; keep things natural!

5. Take Advantage of Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is a type of navigation that shows the path to the current page. It’s usually located in the site’s header and can be used for internal navigation, such as helping users find their way around your website. This makes breadcrumbs an effective tool for helping visitors find what they’re looking for on your site, as well as helping them get from one page to another without getting lost along the way.

Breadcrumb links are also great for SEO because they give search engines more information about how pages are related to one another and how visitors move through your site (which helps Google determine which pages should rank first).

6. Optimize Your Video Content

  • Title
  • Description
  • Transcript (if possible)
  • Optimize for mobile viewing

7. Interlink Your Content to Increase Page Views

  • Link to other pages on your website. This is a great way to get some of your more popular content seen by new audiences, and it also gives you the chance to put an internal link on another page (like a blog post) that will help search engines know what types of topics are important for you as a business.
  • Link to external sites. You might be linking out from old posts or infrequently updated pages, but having these links pointing back in at regular intervals can help increase traffic levels overall. Think about how much more often people check their social media feeds than they do their email inboxes: if they’re not coming back very often, there’s no reason why you should expect them to keep coming back just because you’ve got something new up there!
  • Link link link link! In general, the more links you have pointing toward any given page means the higher its ranking will likely go with Google’s algorithms—but too many links can actually hurt your rankings instead of helping them improve! If possible try finding ways t

8. Consider Adding a Blog to Your Website for More Indexed Pages on Google Searches

In addition to the basic SEO fixes above, you can also consider adding a blog to your website.

Blogging is an excellent way to increase the number of indexed pages on Google and help build your community around your brand. It’s also a great way for customers to find out more about what you offer, get answers to their questions and receive valuable content from you. A blog can help generate more revenue for your business by driving traffic back to your website through search engine optimization (SEO). The following are some tips for starting a blog:

  • Choose a topic that interests you or one that best fits with your business offerings.
  • Decide how often you will post new content (weekly? monthly?)
  • Write posts that are relevant and helpful for readers who come across them in search results.

A small business owner does not need to be a coding expert, or a web design guru in order to ensure that their website is search engine optimized.

A small business owner does not need to be a coding expert, or a web design guru in order to ensure that their website is search engine optimized. The most important thing is to understand the basic principles of SEO. Once you have this understanding then you can implement some changes on your website with confidence knowing that they will help your site rank higher in search results.

Here are 8 easy ways you can improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your small business website:

1 – Use Good Hosting

2 – Have an Easy-to-Navigate Website

3 – Use Title Tags and Descriptions That Are Relevant To Your Business


Not to mention, the eight tips listed above are just a few of many ways you can ensure your website is search engine optimized. And while some may seem more complicated than others, they all have one thing in common: they’re easy to implement! So as long as you keep these tips top-of-mind when building or redesigning your site — and follow them consistently — then there’s no doubt that increasing its rank on Google should be easier than ever before. Learn more about using a google analytics to analyze your data.

Employing Social Media To Improve Guest Experience


As a hospitality professional, you know that offering a memorable guest experience is the key to success. In this digital age, your guests are more connected than ever before, and they expect to have an authentic experience when they visit your hotel. Social media channels provide a direct line of communication between hotels and their guests—and it’s no longer enough simply to monitor these channels. You also need to engage with guests through social media in order to build relationships and improve their overall experience. Social media management agency build relationship first for your brand to further spread your branding.

Talk the talk

You need to talk the talk. This means using the right language and tone, keeping your audience in mind, discussing the things they care about, and being authentic and honest. Your social media posts should be conversational—not formal or stilted. It’s okay to use emojis, GIFs and other fun images to add personality!

Make it personal

Social media allows you to connect with your guests in a personal way.

Use social media to make it personal, fun, engaging and interactive. It’s also an opportunity for you to promote authenticity and transparency.


Social media can be used to engage with your customers, allowing you to respond to comments, questions and reviews. Social media is also an excellent way to communicate with your customers in real time. If there is a problem or concern with a specific dish or ingredient in one of their dishes, you can address it immediately through social media rather than waiting for them to come back into the restaurant and speak with you directly.

Employing social media as a communication tool allows for quick responses in regards to any issues that arise during service times at an establishment. It also helps build relationships between staff members and guests because people feel more comfortable reaching out when they see that someone has responded positively or negatively towards something they said on their posts previously

Listen to your audience

The first step in social media is to listen. You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get an idea of what your customers are saying about you and what their needs are.

When you do hear from a customer on one of these channels, take the time to respond. It’s an opportunity for you to add value by helping them out or answering questions they may have. This will help build trust with them, as well as provide positive word-of-mouth marketing for your business by showing off how responsive you are!

Social media is key in providing unique, custom experiences for your guests.

Social media is a great way to connect with your guests. It also provides unique, custom experiences for your guests. You can use social media to generate new ideas for your business and improve customer service.


Social media is a powerful tool to connect with guests and provide them with an experience that they cannot find anywhere else. It can also be used to improve customer service, strengthen brand loyalty, and create positive word-of-mouth exposure through reviews. We hope that these tips have inspired you as much as they did us!

A Case Study: When Social Media Works


Let’s say you want to get more followers on social media. “I’ll just post links,” you think. “That will increase my followers!” But that strategy doesn’t work, at least not in the long term. In this case study we’ll look at the steps taken by a brand that made social media its main focus and had success doing so. Social media management focus on quality and constant flow of content and announcements with correct information.

The goal

The goal of the campaign was to increase traffic to the website. The campaign was successful because:

  • The content was engaging and easy for visitors to digest.
  • The target audience for this campaign was people who were interested in social media, which is why it worked so well.
  • The timing of this campaign worked out perfectly—just as summer vacations were beginning, so too did our social media campaign begin gaining traction!

The execution

  • Use hashtags:
  • Include the name of your business in a hashtag and then create a unique hashtag that can be used to share content. This is great for getting people talking and sharing their lives with your brand.
  • Use geotags:
  • Geotags allow users to see where images have been taken, making them much more interesting than generic stock photos. Make sure you use as many as possible so that users can get a sense of what life is like at your company or organization. Geotags also help people connect with each other locally and meet up in person (in real life). It’s important to remember that not all geolocations are equal when it comes to reaching out over social media; if you’re trying something new, consider placing yourself somewhere more central than say—say—the South Pole! By doing this, you’ll show off the diversity of experiences available at any given location (and there’s nothing better than showing off diversity).

What makes it work

Social media is about relationships, not links.

Social media is all about engagement, not just posting links to your blog or website. This will only work if you are consistent with your posts and don’t overwhelm people with too many messages at once.

To make social media really work for you, you need to be consistent and build relationships, not just post links.

To make social media really work for you, you need to be consistent. If you’re posting links without any other commentary (and there is nothing wrong with this), it will lose its value over time. If people are seeing the same posts over and over again, they will stop engaging with them.

You also need to build relationships by being authentic, helpful and interesting. You can do this by publishing content that creates an emotional response in your audience; something they care about or find useful. And remember: being relevant works better than just trying to sound clever or funny all of the time!

If you want your content to be creative, then share something new every now and then – even if it is only once a month – otherwise people will get bored of it quickly too!


Social media is a powerful tool, but it doesn’t work if you don’t use it right. You need to be consistent and engaging, not just posting links. Think about how you can build relationships with the people who follow you on these platforms, and make sure that they understand your brand before they buy anything from you. Click here to see our engaging content for your reference.